Friday, March 30, 2012

“Discuss ‘A house for Mr. Biswas’ by v.s.naipaul as one of the twentieth Century’s finest novels.”

Name                             :         Bhaliya Uma H.
Roll No                          :         01.
SEM                               :         04. M.A. part -2.
Paper No                        :         E-C-401.
Paper Name                   :         New Literature.
Date                               :         26/03/2012.
Topic Name                   :         Assignment on.

Discuss ‘A house for Mr.   Biswas’ by v.s.naipaul as one of the twentieth
Century’s finest novels.
Dept                               :         Department of English.
Submitted To                 :         Dr. Dilip Sir Barad.
                                                Department of English.
                                                Bhavnagar University Bhavnagar.

v Discuss ‘A house for mr. biswas’by v.s.naipaul as one of the twentieth century’s finest novels.
‘A house for mr. biswas’ is a finest work of v.s.naipaul. this novel is very comic and lighter in tone. And this novel for the complexity of a house for mr biswas is its narrative point of view. A house for mr. biswas is an unforgettable story inspired by naipaul’s father that has been hailed as one of the twentieth century’s finest novels. In this novel mr. mohun biswas has been fighting against destiny to achieve some semblance of independence, only to face a lifetime of calamity. ‘A house for mr.biswas by v.s.naipaul’s masterpiece. Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul was born in 1932 at Chaguanas in central Trinidad. This dissolution is described also in A House for Mr Biswas through the Tulsi family. Naipaul’s father was a journalist; he felt very close to him, though he described him as a ‘defeated man’, and he is the prototype for Mr Biswas. Like Anand, the son of Mr Biswas. He was in England  when his father died. ‘A house for mr. biswas.’
A House for Mr. Biswas is the story about a Trinidad native of Indian ancestry. In this novel is approximately the forty-six years of mr. biswas’s life between about 1905 and 1951. And Mohun Biswas is nominally Hindu, and he questions much of traditional Hindu Indian culture. but The novel has been called tragicomic. So through this novel ‘A house for mr. biswas v.s.naipaul’s present reality of mr biswas own frustration and an unforgettable story and one of the twentieth century’s finest novels.
A house for mr.biswas is written in third person past of view of an omniscient third party narrator. The point of view style relatively close to mr.biswas, the protagonist. The novel is divided into two parts, enclosed by a Prologue and an Epilogue. The doll’s house did not exist.
A House for Mr Biswas is much humor novel and also tragedy. And also that the dominant tone of the novel is melodramatic. In this novel, The novel presents the struggle for identity for an Indian in Trinidad whose agrarian values are challenged by Western cultural influences when he moves to the city. And Mohun Biswas must reconcile the apparently contradictory values and traditions of East and West, and forge an authentic self in relation to both family and society. So that are the social concerns themes of a house for mr biswas. But A House for Mr Biswas Techniques and Literary Precedents present Two radically different novelistic traditions have influenced A House for Mr Biswas: the twentith-century English social novel, with its focus on an individual life story amid a large cast of characters, and the existential novels of Camus, particularly The Stranger. In this novel Naipaul present Indian in Trinidad, and a dispossessed colonial in England, experienced a similar difficulty charting a life among traditions that seem alien to him. In this novel monun to build a home that challenges his life's absurdity. An underlying theme in A House for Mr. Biswas, and in Naipaul's early work in general, is anti-colonialism. This novel is best work of him.
The character of Mr Biswas
Mr Biswas himself is not all that he appears to be. Mr Biswas replies: ‘I am just somebody. ‘A House for Mr Biswas is a novel about the relationship between father and son’.
 A House for Mr Biswas can be described as a novel about the father-son relationship, and it is concerned with other themes also, such as Mr Biswas’s struggle for independence and his search for identity. The relationship between father and son is intensified by the many traits they have in common. Mr Biswas shares his discovery of Dickens’s novels with Anand and makes him write out and learn the meanings of difficult words. The closeness between father and son is revealed in several episodes. A striking example occurs after Anand nearly drowns at the dockside where Mr Biswas was clowning with Owad and Shekhar and trying to get his son to join in. Anand then goes back on his promise to return home, and is still in England when his father dies. It is clear that A House for Mr Biswas is, to a large extent, a novel about the relationship between father and son, and the growing closeness and identification between them adds greatly to the richness and psychological realism of the novel.

1 comment:

  1. hi Uma,
    good attempt. you have discussed very well on this topic and you have also given the social background of the novel 'A House for Mr. Biswas'.
    keep it up.
    All the Best for Annual Exam
    Thank you
