Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Research Methodology

Name              -           Bhaliya Uma H.

Roll no:          -           01

M.A.Part-ii    -           Sem-iii

Paper             -           02, Ec-302.

Paper name   -           Research 

Topic for assignment      -

“Research Methodology”

Submitted To:            Dr.Dilipsir Barad
                        Department of English.
                                    Bhavnagar university,

Ø  Introduction

                The genesis of research lies in the progress of human life. The saga of development of man from ancient times to modern era is the result of research. Research inclined towards scientific knowledge and this scientific knowledge is nothing but the outcome of research. In the era of Aristotle and Greek philosophers new directions of research were opened up and foundations of scientific methods for research were established.

                     The dictionary meaning of research is construed as invitation or investigation or formal study of scientific enquiry or discovery.

                     “A careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge”.

                     In the meanings of ‘Research’ given above three words are important: (I) study, (ii) invention (iii) discovery, and that the last two words require special description.

                     Invention is the application of an idea or thinking something new, for example a new machine or an instrument or a new way of doing a task.

                     Discovery is an accidental, unintentional and unexpected search for the first time without and problem.

                     So the research is nothing but a scientific study in order to discover new facts. It has a problem and deals with activities and solution. Research is a planned activity for solving a problem which is purposeful. Interitional with respect to outcomes. Research is a systematic investigation of problem in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

Ø  Research and writing

                           Research not refers to any source of information and idea. But it explores an idea, issue and problem and many sources and tools are help to research and writing as follow that…..

Ø  The Research paper as a form of Exploration

                          We written many personal essays that presented our thoughts, Feelings, and opinions and that did not refer to any other source of information or ideas. It helps us to go beyond our personal knowledge. We undertake research when we wish to explore an idea, probe and issue, solve a problem, or make an argument in relation to what others have written.

                           There are two type of research paper. Primary research is the study of a subject through firsthand investigation. It includes statistical data, Historical documents, and works of literature or art. While secondary research is the examination of studies that other researchers have made of a subject. Secondary sources are articles and books about political issues, historical events, scientific debates, or literary works. A research paper discovering others. Research and then articulating your own ideas clearly and persuasively are at the centre of the educational experience. Research growes our knowledge and understanding of a subject. It help us to modify idea, shape our thinking provide new information about specific subject. That the main purpose of doing research is not to summarize the work of others. But to assimilate and to build on it and to arrive at your own understanding of the subject. If preparing research papers are just academic. Many reports and proposals required in business, government and other professions similarly rely on secondary research. Learning how to write a research paper it helps to prepare for Assignments in our professional career. It is very important that about a specific subject to combine this information with our ideas and to present our thoughts, findings and conclusions effectively.

Ø  The Research paper as a form of communication

                     A research paper is a form of written communication. Other kinds of nonfiction writing it should present information and ideas clearly and effectively. The mechanics of gathering source materials, taking notes, and documenting sources make you forget to apply the knowledge and skills have acquired through previous writing experiences. With the help of it we draw from of our research. Documentation should only support your statements and provide concise information about the source cited. It should not overshadow your own ideas or distract the reader from them.

Ø  Selecting a topic

                           Art, history, literature, science are different courses and different instructors offer widely varying degrees of freedom to students selecting topics for research papers. If your choice is limited to a set list of topics, you will probably still need to decide which aspect of a topic to explore or which approach to use. Give more time to think to choice of a topic. Look for a subject or an issue that will continue to engage you, throughout research and writing. You can also refine your topic by doing subject searches in reference databases and in online catalogs and through internet search tools, selecting an appropriate topics is seldom a simple matter. Before setting on a final topic make sure you understand the amount and depth of research required and the type and length of paper expected. A campus writing center can be a useful resource.

Ø  Conducting research

                Conducting research is important for research and writing. The modern Academic library helps us to evaluate resources for authority and quality before acquiring then for use in research. Many library offers resources in print and electronic forms and in other nonprint media e.g. Films, sound recordings, as well as computer services such as word access to the internet and some important resources are available only in the library building e.g. most books and other publication solely in print form microfilm materials, special collection. The library’s web site likely contains schedualing information on such classes as well as descriptions of available resources and services. The site may also offer online tutorials. While professional reference librarians help us to about available instructional programs and help you locate sources.

                     Library research sources help us to get many information. It four general categories.
                     Electronic sources library provided to journals available in electronic form.

                     Books and similar publications books are essential sources for many projects, and some instructors require that students use books. And in addition to articles, web sites, and other materials- during research.

                     Articles and other publications in print periodicals library give number of articles and writings published. E.g. reviews and editorials

                     Additional sources mens nonpring sources e.g. manuscripts or private letters. In special collections.

                     The central information system provide online information and it will help to students and faculty members to research sources the system ordinarily includes the library’s catalog of holdings, bibliographic databases, other electronic resources, and other electronic resources, and other information about the library.

                     Reference works like indexes and bibliographies categorize research materials by subject and provide data that source of author, title, data of publication, and so forth, and other reference works like encyclopedias. Dictionaries, and biographical sources, give basic information about works in print and electronic forms.

                     Reference works that provide data about research materials, first indexes and biblio- graphics are lists of publications usually classified by subject. Collection’s of abstracts present summaries of journal articles and other literature. Guides to research are devoted to specific subjects within fields. E.g. reference guide to mastery and detective fiction.

                     Reference works also provide information about subjects. Dictionaries provide information about words or topics and encyclopedias give introductory information about subjects. While biographical sources describe the lives of prominent persons etc. or statistical resources provide numerical or Quantitative facts.

                     Every field of study has standard reference works. Searching a reference database work is published in electronic and print formats, and also types of searches of the electronic version like as Author, title, subject expanded searches etc.

                           The online catalog of library holdings also use e.g. electronic publications, books, serials important par of a library’s central information system.

                     Searching an online catalog with the help of it we can locate a work in a number of ways. The most common are by author, by title, and by subject.

                     The bibliographinic information provided the author’s name and the full title and complete publication information. It shows the subject headings under which the book is cataloged and gives its international standard book numbers.

                     For the purposes of researching and writing your paper. You normally will not use most of the information that appears in the catalog entry. The information we need that is call number, of course, to locate, author, title, and full publication information.

                     Call numbers also help to the online catalog of library holdings in research. The call numbers in follow one of two system of classification. First the library of congress system divides book groups and second the Dewey decimal system classifies books to ooo to 900 under ten. Major headings and location of library materials also help to the online catalog of library holdings in research.

                     Modern academic libraries provide full – text databases not on these containing bibliographic citations and abstracts. A few well-known full-texts databases and explains how you might use then in your research. E.g. for author source, Aristor, Early English books online, Ebsco and project muse etc.

                     Other library resources and services, in research and writing the library’s provides very electronic print resources and its various services. Library resources also include microforms, media centre, electronic and other resources, interlibrary loans etc.

                           Web sources also help in research and writing. The World Wide Web a researcher can read and transfer material from library catalogs and millions of other useful sites. And web sources also provide range of sources, using recommended sites, gateway sites, searching the web book marking and recording the URL, recording the data of access, internet sources among other sources.

Ø  Compiling a Working Bibliography

                     Keeping track of sources help to compiling a working bibliography a record of such sources is called a working bibliography. The working bibliography will eventually evolve into the list of works cited that appears at the end of the research paper.

                     Creating a computer file for the working bibliography, a computer is particularly useful for compiling the working bibliography you create a file and enter full information about sources into the file as you proceed with your research. When you need that information you get and add new that save it, so bibliography information is essential to researching and writing the paper, be certain to save this file and to keep copies of it on paper and in a backup location.

                Recording essential publication information, when you add sources to your working bibliography, be sure you enter all the publication information needed for the works-cited list and the information to be recorded depends on the kind of source used.

                     Nothing other useful information, besides the data needed for works-cited list, it is useful to add other information to items in the working bibliography, and also the library call number, the URL and other identifying information required to locate each work.

                           Verifying publication information, checkout that the publication information. If printed out or downloaded the data, than add any missing information that is help to works-cited list. Recording and verifying all the information about your sources.

                           Converting the working bibliography to the works-cited list, if you working bibliography is in a computer file, edit the entries to remove unnecessary information. And arrange then alphabetically by author and title the list “works cited” when you have finished the final draft of your paper. Transfer the edited bibliography file to the end of the file containing the paper.

Ø  Evaluating Sources

                     Evaluate all sources you use for your research and focus on the authority, accuracy, and currency of the sources, considers such questions as the following. You take all of this thing to in your research that check it who is the author of the work and what are the author’s credentials for writing and publishing this work. When judged against your previous reading and your understanding of the subject. The author information is correct or not. All those thing that verified and also the author’s sources current or are they outdated. And who is the publisher of work and what is organization of the work all those quit clear.

Ø  Taking Notes

                           If material is useful. So you want to take notes on it.

                           Methods of note-taking, a note is important to research. So some use notes by hand on index cards or sheets of paper. And also including quotations, from your notes into the text of your paper and while taking notes at that time check the author’s full name and the complete title. It all are enough to information.

                     Types of note-taking, is three types of note-taking, first summary, give only the general idea of large amounts of material and second is paraphrase you make paraphrase that is to restate the material in your own words and last quotation, if you believe that some sentence or passage is important than give quotation mark it and also underline. It is important to our research.

                           Recording page or reference numbers, when a quotation continues to another page or section, carefully note where the page of section break occurs. So the recording page or reference numbers is help. To writing research.

                           Using a computer for note-taking, if you are using a computer for mote-taking than you can type in or download material, you can create one file for all sources or separate files for different sources and white you follow method or strategy than to save and back up all computer files. Because to set down or verify publication information you will need for research and writing.

Ø  Outlining

                     A working outline is a useful intermediary document between research and writing. It helps to a useful intermediate activity, an overall view of the paper and creating a computer file for each version.

                     A thesis statement is a single sentence that formulates both your topic and your point of view. It also helps to get an answer to a question or problem and your purpose and audience and also requirements and assistance of the instructor.

                     Final outline also helps you organize your ideas and research into a coherent paper. The most of common forms of outlining are the topic outline and the sentence outline.

Ø  Writing Drafts

                     The first draft writing a draft is help to research. The first drafts are usually rough and research papers generally composed through a series of drafts. And also subsequent drafts are increasingly refined. Revisions of the original version.

                           Writing with a word processor also helps to writing drafts in research papers. It has many techniques and limitations.

                     The final draft and the research project portfolio, and the assignment conclude with the submission of the final draft or of a research project portfolio.

Ø  Language and style

                     And at last that language and its style is important to research and writing. E.g. for the organization and development of your ideas, the coherence of your preservation, and structure of sentence, grammar and also capitalization, spelling, punctuation and also important that the words. Phrases, clauses, sentences and paragraphs that express you thoughts ideas precisely and that make them interesting to others. So at last all of this point is important for research and writing.

                           Thus, research paper is a critical and depth evaluation of the previous research and many thing and sources are useful to research and writing.


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