Tuesday, March 1, 2011



TOPIC   :                       HUMANITY AND MONSTROCITY IN

NAME     :           BHALIYA UMA H.               

ROLL NO:                     01

SEM -2:                M.A. PART-1

BATCH:               2010 – 2011                 

SUBMITTED TO:  Mr. Jay Mehta.
Department of  English, Bhavnagar University.



She wrote Frankenstein in competition with her husband shelley. It was first of the ‘robot’ books. The picture of the monster which mary shelly had conjured is to-day the monster of science stalking about the world. It can more justly be regarded as a scientific romance. We should look upon Mrs. Shelley as a forerunner of wells and his followers rather than as the last novelist of the terror-school. But historically she can be placed with the gothic novelists also. The walks of the un-named monster among the shows and its hectic search for its maker make our hair stand. His footsteps to-day are more heavy and ominous than ever.   

Mary shelley  herself attended the play and pronounced it authetic. But this “serious” drama immediately inspired parodies, first with frankenstitch in 1823, a burlesque featuring a tailor, who as the “needle Prometheus”, sews a body out of nine corpses. Dater that year opened franke-n-steam, in which a student foolishly revives the corpse of a bailiff. The devil among the players opened at the opera glass in London in October of 1826, with a line-up featuring Frankenstein, Faust, and the vamire. A play called

“The man in the moon”
(Its title a foretaste of science fiction)

Was very popular in London during 1847; its script was hamlet with the addition of a new act in which the creature arises from hell through a trap door and sings and drinks with the ghost.
Frankenstein omnibus, has called Frankenstein

“The single greatest horror story novel ever written and the most widely influential in its genre”.

George Levine remarks, Frankenstein is 

“A vital metaphor, peculiarly appropriate to a culture dominated by a consumer technology, neurotically obsessed with ‘getting in touch’ with its authentic self and frightened at what it is discovering”

Our seeing an image or allusion to Frankenstein , from cnn descriptions of magazine articles that warn of genetically engineered  “Frankenstein-foods”, test-tube babies, and scientific issues of the novel.


Monsters like the creature are indeed paradoxical. He is at the center action of the novel. On the one hand, we transgress against “ the establishment” (which is often blamed for their creation.) if the monster survives he represent the defiance of death, an image of survival, however disfigured on the other hand, we are reassured when we see that society can capture and destroy Monsters. Such dualism would explain the great number of Frankenstein –as- mutant movies that appeared during the cold war. But the creature’s rebellious nature is rooted far in the past.


Victor is consumed by the desire to discover the secret of life and, after several years of research. Becomes convinced that he has found it. So he create the monsters to complete his ambition and also fulfillment of his “great aim”.

Monster like as horrible and ghost. He is so cruel creator Monsters kill victor’s brother William and his wife Elizabeth and also his best friend Henry clerval. Because he take revenge to victor. Victor know that Monsters killed all his dear own relative. He said Monsters that…

“Miserable wretch! Go away. I don’t want to see your cursed face. You have murdered my dear ones. I wish I could kill you and get my dear ones back to life!”

And Monsters replay victor that

“You could not speak to me like this master. Listen to me first. You have created me. But you have not done your duty towards me.”

In this line Monsters spoke victor responsibility about his creation. He create him to fulfillment his ambition. But he can’t take any duty about him. So, Monsters like as cruel. But he has some human heart. Because when he killed victor’s brother, wife and friend for realize to victor for his love for people and relative. First of all victor create very horribal human being like Monsters. And after he not take any duty. So Monsters  said victor that. I am despised by the human society. People run away on seeing me. I live alone in the mountains eating berries and often sleeping in the open, cold air. So please you give me happiness the happiness of being loved by others. If you give me happiness. Master, and I will not trouble any body again. I will go away never to be seen again and will live alone. I am miserable. If you cannot make me happy. I shall kill more of your relatives”.

Because I did not like to be lonely. As I moved towards a village. I saw little children playing. Their gay laughter attracted me many people gathered with clubs and stones to beat me. I decided to help the poor family. He also saves a girl from drowning. Monsters also learnt a lot of their language by listening to them and read books like ‘paradise lost’. The story of Satan’s fall from heaven struck me as similar to mine. Monster had learnt that  what  kindness and love was and wanted to enjoy these even more in the company of men. One day the blind old doctor lacey was playing his guitar. I said….

“May I enjoy the warmth of your fire?”

And he asked me that

“Are you a Frenchman?”

That time Monsters say that no, but I learnt French from a French family. I am a despised and miserable creature whom no man wishes to befriend”.

“Well then be ready for further revenge”.

“I shall meet you on your wedding day!”

On those two line Monsters said victor that you create another female Monsters and give me. Than I ran away in wood. But he can’t do that. So, Monsters decide to take revenge to victor to his cruel creation.

Thus, Monsters look like as a cruel and some cruelity also in him. But in his heart also some humanity about people. He also wish to live between people and love them etc.


It was the month of November. One day, victor worked till very late in the night. The large human frame on which he had been working for months. Was now complete and lying motionless at my feet. He knew the secret that would give life to this creation. So, I could not wait any longer to witness the fulfillment of the great aim of all my hard labour. I poured this secret into the body. After a while. It opened its eyes and then all its limbs shook. What I saw filled me not with joy, but with fear. All my dreams of a beautiful being  vanished. Instead. I was filled with horror. The being or rather the Monsters grinned at me. His skin was of a pale colour like that of a mummy or dead body preserved in Egyptian pyramids. His large eyeballs were white, his teeth large and Frightening. I had put together a beautiful being. But there was a Monsters. The Monsters is rejected by society. His Monstrosity results not only from his grotesque appearance but also from the unnatural manner of his creation. Which involves the secretive animation of a mix of stolen body parts and strange chemicals. Victor is a create not of collaborative scientific effort but of dark, supernatural workings. The Monsters is only the most literal of number of Monstrous entitle in the novel. Including the knowledge that victor used to create the Monsters. One can argue that victor himself is a kind of Monsters. As his ambition. As he is eventually consumed by an obsessive hatred of his creation. Finally, many critics have described the novel itself as Monstrous. A stitched- together combination of different voices, texts, and tenses.

Monsters killed victor’s younger brother then after while victor destroys his promise to create new female Monsters . Monsters murder victor’s best friend and then his new wife. Victor feels hatred for his creation. Monsters shows that he is not a purely evil being. And at last Monsters said that….     

“Farewell, my creator. With your death, my revenge is complete. I do not need to live anymore. The one who created me is dead. I have killed many innocent people before. Then, I felt joy and victory. But, now I feel miserable. It was never my fault. You created me. I wanted the company of the people of the earth. Everyone shunned and despised me. They hated my form. I wanted to love. They would not accept me. I roamed about lonely and miserable. Now, I shall disappear and die somewhere. With my death. The sad memories of my creator and me will vanish.”


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